What make's your skin crawl? Make's your heart race? Is there something that stops you dead in your tracks?
For me it's spiders. |I am not to the degree where I would say I have arachnophobia but I do run the other way if I see a spider. Doesn't have to be a palm size, hairy legged, 6 eyed, fanged tarantula, a dime sized creature can also send a quiver down my spine.
Must be the arrival of spring (someone should let the weather man know this) but twice this week I have opened the shower door only to reel back in horror. Huge, thick bodied attack spiders (they look like could attack) are lurking in the corner. I know their game.
Waiting until I am covered in soap with a head full of shampoo they will drop to the floor. Being as blind as a bat without my glasses all I see is something dark on the shower floor which wasn't there a second ago. Immediately me brain conjures up a picture of this.
Just looking at these pictures sends shivers down my spine.
From the top of my head to the tip of my toes, my skin is crawling, and goes cold.
Coldness is due to the fact that I am not longer in the shower. Scrambling for my specs even before a towel, I must see what this foreign object is. OMG!!!!!
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