Thursday, May 17, 2012

Outpost Week 36 ~ Six Days and Counting

Our last week (seems strange saying this) has finally arrived. Only 6 days now till Ken along with the summer crew fly in and make the “Outpost” their home for the next 3 months. The last couple of weeks I have leisurely cleaned out freezers, packed away some cookbooks and magazines, sorted through clothes...should they stay or should they go, made up beds for the incoming staff and just a general tidy up of basement and genny shed. Now that we're in the home stretch, I'll have to be kicking my pace into high gear. It's always a case of you don't want to do the cleaning to early cause you'll just have to redo and you don't want to pack all your 'stuff' away because you might need it but now it's time. I've got a list and have thoughtfully made one for Mike, of our game plan for the next 6 days.

But before I pack away my baking pans and become too busy I've been making a few of Mike's favourite sweets so once again here are those Chelsea buns. He never gets tired of having these for breakfast, afternoon tea or maybe even for dessert.

Although I am a big time cookie lover it's bread that I've been craving since we cut back on eating carbs for the last couple of months.

This past week was the one where we were going to go out fishing and hiking, maybe even get one of the kayaks into the water because the weatherman promised clear sunny skies and warm temperatures. He was wrong, imagine that. For the most part overcast skies and cool temperatures prevailed along with a steady wind of 25km mixed with bouts of rain.

I did say 'for the most part' and Monday was my day. It was still blowing like stink but one of the greatest things here is the sheltered back deck. We ventured out for coffee around 11am and for the rest of the day I followed the path of the sun as it kept moving across the deck. I know, I know....I am so pale!

Every bud has opened up to display their delicate beauty, short lived as it may be.

The winds which are still blowing, 3 days now, have the clouds scudding along to reveal some blue sky.

Till next week,
Heather & Mike

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