Friday, November 16, 2012

Week 12 - A Night Time Visitor

Things that go bump in the night as of late have been attributed to a shy nocturnal creature with a nose for garbage. We don't think it's Slick, our social bear from last year. I can't even offer a picture he is so stealth. Mike did catch a glimpse of him padding along the beach but took to the cover of low foliage when he sensed he had been spied.
Most of his night manoeuvres are only evident in the light of day.

This garbage can sits at the back door and only contained an old empty plastic bag but must obviously retain an enticing aroma of meals past. A game of hide and seek has been played out this week – he the hider, I the seeker. The first round was easy as I could spot it from the back door although the lid was rather well hidden. The next 2 nights he put a bit more effort into it. Why don't I just put the can in the basement? I could but what fun would that be?

Moving on to bigger and better things his travels have taken him to sorting through the scape pile ( all the large items that get put on the barge in the spring) and striking out on finding any edible morsels of food his endeavours focused on what I call the burning barrel. Our incinerator bit the dust on the day the summer crew left so I have improvised with an old tank of some sort that Mike and I dug out of the scrap heap. It does the trick since our amount of burnables is pretty small and only requires me to fire it up once a month. I occasionally will toss a can of grease into the barrel, might as well use it as a accelerant and this must have attracted him like the smell of honey in a hive. Lucky for Mr. bear most of the bottom has rotted out so his prize was easily had.

Last week I commented on how I always feel so fortunate to be at the right place at the right time to witness the beauty of nature or a battle for survival. I was riding my bike, going nowhere fast as it is stationary, listening to the radio and gazing out our big picture windows when an eagle caught my attention. We don't see eagles as often as one might think living where we do so I tend to follow them with interest as they soar overhead.

These bikes were brought in this summer for those who had any extra energy that they might need to work off after a 14 hour day. Mike and I totally enjoy them, pedalling several times a day. I really should start keeping track of my kms to see how far across Canada I get or even better... head south!

Sorry for the rear view but I wanted you to see what I see.

I watched for several minutes as this eagle continually swooped down on a bird, who would dive beneath the surface only seconds before lethal talons skimmed the water.

Poised for attack.

The final approach.

Did the target get away?

Mike and I, passing the binoculars between us, kept watch as the scene played out.
As the eagle floundered around for several minutes we speculated that he must have hurt himself and could not take to the air. It saddened us to watch as he appeared to struggle trying to stay afloat and than to our amazement he began propelling himself towards one of the islands. A distant of at least 200 yards didn't take him all that long and we rejoiced when solid ground was beneath his deadly claws. I wouldn't like to have seen an eagle die right out front in our bay.

Mike headed back to his computer but I kept vigil to witness the outcome. “There's feathers flying through the air” I stated with a tone of disbelieve. This was confirmed by Mike, cause really he didn't take my word for it. What we had thought was a struggle of live and death was actually a predator dragging his victim ashore to savour the spoils.
We felt bad about the smaller feathered fellow but after all...he was a sitting duck.

Till next week,
Heather & Mike

Week 11 - Que Sera Sera

I had no sooner packed away the spiders, mice, bats and a skull, dismantled dummies and cleared away the cobwebs than my agenda turned to less exciting endeavours. Neglecting my routine of general cleaning and maintenance in favour of paper mache, cardboard cutouts, foraging for dead foliage and sorting through 100's of pictures - 300 snapped in total - I now had to do double time to get ready for the arrival of company.
Having 2 guys fly in for acouple days for Mike meant male conversation, for me it meant baking! The bread box and cookie jar have been sadly devoid of product this year as we are trying to cut down on the carbs and calories for awhile, so when I heard I was going to be able to break out the sugar, flour and chocolate I started to salivate. Oh what to bake, what do I crave, so much I want, so few meals to make.
In a frenzy, well maybe not exactly a frenzy more like a steady march, I found myself on my knees, up a ladder, inside, outside, upstairs and in the basement. Jobs that I had put off for another time found time. There's nothing like having strangers come into your home that spurs you to apply a bit more spit and polish than usual.
Two cookies jars now held my favorites, a plate of chocolate iced walnut topped brownies lay in wait. I had just put a carrot cake in the oven and was sampling, one must always sample for quality control, a rich cream cheese frosting when an email popped up titled... %4#? weather! This didn't bode well. In a nutshell gale force winds for the next couple of days – groceries delayed due to weather – faller had to change dates to come in. Don't they refer to this as “Murphy's Law”?
You can't fight mother nature so we'll try again another day - new date November 17th. Till than the goodies, minus a big piece of cake :) , will have to be relegated to the freezer and for me time to sit back and catch up on some reading, maybe do some writing, walk the beach or just watch the world go by.

It just so happened that as I was watching the world go by a pod of killer whales swam into our bay. It's the first sighting for us. I always consider myself so lucky to be at the right place looking out the window at the right time to witness such a sight but than I asked myself “how much do we miss?” 

Another visitor of the feathered kind has been hanging around. 

Three pictures, one day.

                                                              10 am

                                                                             2 pm

4 pm

Till next week,
Heather & Mike

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Week 10 - Trick or Treat

Halloween is upon us once again and as every year it's a day I look forward too. Didn't plan much this year just a nice quiet dinner and some friends over for an evening of blood curdling screams, mad men running around with axes, birds pecking eyes out and just some good old fashion dismembering.

The day started out like any other with Sammy at the back door first thing in the morning waiting for any scraps that might be tossed his way.

The fall of dusk was hard to ignore when our batty friends where beating at the door.

                                      Just a typical dinner for Mike and I.


               Always one to make a dramatic appearance, Jack never disappoints.

              .......not to be outdone Handy Hank snuck in while we were eating.

'Shorty' managed to keep his head as Casper suddenly appeared, trying to spook him.

             Ever get that feeling as if someone is standing right behind you?

                  Now that Hot Tub Tony is here, it's time for a game of Krud!

It's MOVIE TIME! Tonight's features are The Birds, Cabin in the Woods and of course the caretaker's classic...The Shining.

As the last of our guests drifted away, Mike and I sat to back to enjoy a nightcap and decide whether this evening had been a trick or treat?

                         Happy Halloween !!!

Till next week,
Heather & Mike

Week 9 - Sea & Sky

We woke up Sunday morning to this, another day of cloudless blue skies and....SNOW on the distance hills. I thought “well this is it, winter is here, time to put the flannel sheets on the bed, get the comforters out, find my cozy slippers, look for the extra electric heaters and maybe think about bringing in the remaining water bottles that are still sitting in the rack outside.

We had an email from Ken B this week and it sounds like there is a plane arriving in the near future. Life here has been pretty smooth sailing so far but there has been the odd hiccup. Our 35kw genny which we rely on for a back-up, stopped working – an ignition switch being the problem and the incinerator decided on the last day the crew was here to huff and puff and blow itself out. I think I heard it's the air blower, maybe the motor. We've been managing just fine (although having a operational back-up genny would be comforting) but someone is coming in to assess and/or fix these issues plus a couple of others that need to be addressed before the season starts up again in the spring.

So anyways a plane will be nice. Abit of company and fresh produce and the timing is rather perfect, for just the other day Sammy got the last bit of the celery that was no longer us.

Bet your wondering how my apple-pear sauce turned out....sweet.

....and the apple jelly, well can't wait to test it out on a warm ginger scone.

The dusting of snow didn't last but what has, is this amazing weather. I've got to find my records from last year and see if was like this, I sure don't remember it being so nice for so long. Not complaining.

We are able to use Skype here although it's not the best system and the delay that you experience makes it very annoying or at least I think so. Mike manages to call family and friends but when you need to make an important call, we use the satellite phone, only glitch though, you have to go down to the heli pad (most times) to get a really good signal. This could be a good thing cause I just might tend to settle into a nice comfy chair for a good long tongue wag but at the cost of over $1 a minute I don't think I could actually do that.

It was just another trip with the slop bucket down to the dock to feed the fishes and seagulls yet what I came upon had me staying there almost half an hour watching these bizarre and yet extraordinary luminous creatures glide ever so gently as if they were in a sphere of zero gravity.

The end of yet another glorious day at the Outpost.

Till next week,
Heather & Mike