Saturday, March 22, 2014

Call of The Wild

Drifting off to sleep, lulled by the distance roar of the ocean is as good as it gets for a person who loves the sea.
Even howling winds that buffet the lodge causing the chimney stack to rattle and shake along with a slight whistle caused by a minute gap of a not perfectly sealed window, I find oddly comforting as I cozy further down under the blankets.
Tonight a new sound, one not heard in our 4 seasons here. It was nature related for sure but of the barking, snorting and belching kind.
I thought I heard a bark thought it didn't register at first, through my sleep addled brain nor did the second or third. I'm not sure how long it was before the ruckus reached it's full potential and I found myself quite awake. We had a herd of sea lions in the bay!
In the darkness I listened. There was a ringleader for sure who kept the party going, upping the volume and filling in the voids when others slacked off. I could tell they were close, maybe even enjoying the carpeted docks as the social went on into the wee hours of the night. I hoped they would stay around long enough for the sun to come up and reveal themselves to me ....and my camera.
Eventually even the non-stop grunts and barking became soothing and I drifted off to sleep.

They were still around when I got up but rather subdued after their night of revelry. The entire day I watched as they stayed in a tight knit group, floating on their backs with a fin in the air, drifting with the tide, apparently sound asleep. Not a peep, bark, grunt or belch was heard. By sunset they were gone.

I wish I could say “look at our weather now” but this glorious warm sunny day was a one day wonder among our endless days of gray and rain.

My new perch.

Check this out, I call it the 'duck paddle'.

If this critter wasn't constantly eating the cat's food he would be rather cute.

What in the world is he doing way out here on the heli pad?

We thought they were out fishing for herring but it was logs they were after.
Apparently they been towing quite a few but the got away. Guess ya gotta keep a sharp eye on those sneaky logs.

What do you do with the last 3 apples that have definitely seen better days?
Make 2 mini apple crisps.

Ingram, Princess, Cat, Kitty ....she doesn't answer to any of them and seldom likes to have her picture taken. It was a rare treat for her to sit and pose.

Look to the left..... look to the right.

A beautiful sunset from our beautiful day.

till next time,
Heather & Mike