The nature of this week's blog is Nature. Waterfowl, fungi, sea life and weather.
Till next week,
Heather & Mike
It was mid-afternoon Saturday when Mike mentioned that he had briefly glimpsed an unusually large white bird. Reaching for the binoculars I head out onto the deck. It didn't take long to catch sight of it, gliding out from behind a small island of rocks.
“It's a swan”, my tone conveying disbelieve.
Not wanting to miss the chance of taking his picture I grab my camera but don't waste time getting shoes or coat. Rushing, yet trying not to make any movement which would startle him.
The sound of his honking is so forlorn. I wonder is he lost? Not so, the Trumpeter Swan is quite common throughout western North America.
Mike is a mushroom hunter. Traipsing through the woods peering under fallen trees or into the cavities of rotted trunks looking for a prized fungi.
This is a variety of the “bolete” family.
Chanterelle ( cantharellus cibarius ) or Yellow Chanterelle
“Come take a picture of this one, hon.” Now this is something we could eat and I get involved in the hunt. Sadly this was the only find of it's size although the forest floor offers up dozens of it's smaller kind , the “yellow foot”
I don't imagine that you carry your camera when taking out the garbage but I do. Everyday at some point, I walk down to the heli pad to toss out the food scrapes.
“Going to feed the fishes”, I call out to Mike. Rule: we always tell each other where we are going when we head outdoors. Clear blue sky, calm water, absolutely love days like this. Movement catches my attention. Jellyfish! A school,a group, what do you call 8 jellyfish? Some bob to the surface while others dive to deeper depths, their tentacles flowing behind like strands of hair.
6 o'clock and I'm staring out the window thinking “what to make for dinner?” when I noticed “my heron” It takes me a minute to see that he has brought friends, I put on shoes and jacket this time, than grab my camera. I exit through the kitchen door taking care not to let it bang. I crouch down taking long exaggerated strides. I'm sure if anyone was watching they would be laughing at my antics. My technique has worked! I settle cross legged on the edge of the upper heli pad and click away.
This week has been picture perfect.
Heather & Mike
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