The adventure began the morning we woke and found ourselves the only ones here. We feel like kids left home alone for the first time. Starting upstairs every door is opened, every closet looked into and every drawer puller out and inspected. Nothing much to interest us here, all the rooms have been “put to bed” for the long winter season.
Living room, dining room, drying room, kitchen and the crew's rooms .......we poke our noses into everything. Saving the best for last we enter the basement. It's a treasure trove of articles new, old and ancient.
This is where everything is stored. Canned goods,dried goods, baking supplies. Freezers stuffed with rumps, butts, shoulders, ribs, thighs and breasts. Restaurant size bags of frozen peas, corn and beans sit beside bags of blueberries, strawberries and rhubarb, yum! Cases of frozen OJ, cases of butter, cases of bait....bait?
Fifty kilo bags of flour, 20 kilo bags of sugar, enough rolled oats to last a lifetime if not longer. Hmmmm --- butter, flour, sugar and oats, sounds like cookies to me.
The workbench is a jumbled assortment of every type of tool you can think of and some you may not. Spare parts for any imaginable problem that might crop up fill boxes and buckets and shelves.
I've got a ton of laundry to do! Well not really a ton but a lot. Once the crew leaves all their sheets and comforters have to be washed, folded, bagged and labelled ready for their return in 9 months. Didn't keep track of how long it took to wash but only 2 hours to fluff and fold.
My first picture of the many deer that just appear wherever you walk. This was taken looking out of our bedroom window, which is 5 ft. & 7 ft. So bizarre to wake up and see this fine young buck looking in. Good Morning!
We have visitors! Several guests of the “Clubhouse” were taking a heli tour and decided to stop at the OP for a “look see” and lunch. No worries for me they brought their own chef. It was a brief stay as they wanted to get in a few more hours on the water.

I wonder what Mike is thinking?
Is he wondering when will we see anyone again?
Till next week,
Heather & Mike
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