The energy draining heat of the day has finally lessened to a more bearable level.
Ice clinking against metal in the tall thermal mugs is the most prominent sound as another round of margaritas is poured. The group lounges in the cockpit, an array of colour coming from their tropical shirts and sarongs. The richness of their deep tans betraying the hours spent under the sun.
“.....never given us a minute of a problem, no matter what we flush down it.”
“Lucky you, our first days in Nuka Hiva was spent banging hoses.”
“Don't you flush your salads? Ohhh best thing ever for the hoses and those rubber thingies.”
“You even flush the paper? God, I wish Bob could be convinced of that. He's one of those who's mantra is “if you didn't eat it, you don't flush it” Drives me crazy!”
“What make do you have? We have a Lavac, bought it 3 years ago now and the suction on that baby is as good as the day Stan installed it. Of course I wanted the electric model but you know how men are, “What's wrong with pumping?”
“Right, pump baby pump! Maybe after dinner you can get Bob to take a look?”
“No problem, I'll ask him to flush the salad!”
No matter where you are or who you are sitting beside, if you are in a group of cruisers than sooner or later ( always sooner) “heads” will be the topic of conversation.
It's something that bonds us together. We refer to it's attributes and wear them as a badge of honour. We boast about our clean hoses, proclaiming that we flush vinegar through them religiously. We discuss electric vs manual, we compare how much can actually be flushed without mishap, size is always an issue.
It's a non-sexist topic. I can tell the story of the discharge hose disconnecting during an electric flush and flailing about like a demon snake, to either Tom or Jane, knowing they'll be sympathetic and understanding. Another tale of woe will follow trying to best the one just told, no tidbit of disgusting detail left out. An interruption as another drink is offered, pauses but will not stop the vivid descriptions of unthinkable events that have taken place in this very small room.
“That was a fabulous dinner Jill, loved the salad.”
“Thanks Bob, oh by the way, grab the rest of that salad and follow me....
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