Thursday, April 12, 2012

Outpost Week 31 ~ Re-Freshed

We had the Easter Bunny, of sorts, visit us this past holiday weekend. He left behind eggs although they weren't of the chocolate variety. We didn't mind, in fact were quite ecstatic to be getting just plain old regular chicken eggs. This particular Easter Bunny also left behind lots of 'rabbit food', lettuce, carrots, celery, cucumbers plus apples, oranges and bananas to name just a few. It was my first Easter ever that I didn't miss the chocolate but indulged in a super sized BLT.

Our request for a possible 'food drop' - maybe it could be delivered in a silver parachute. For those who are wondering what they heck I'm talking about, I started reading 'The Hunger Games' this past weekend and couldn't stop until I had devoured all 3 books in the trilogy – back to the food. There were no planes heading down our way, I was told but I'll see what we can do, was the message from Ken. As luck would have it a new employee was heading over to the Clubhouse from Masset with one of their boats so he could pick up our grocery order and than pick up Roger at the Clubhouse and weather permitting make a run down to the Outpost. Sounds iffy to me. One look out the window Friday morning and I was pretty sure the game was on. An email confirmed just that with a ETA around noon.

The weather and seas being so co-operative Roger and Beau felt they could spend an hour or so before having to head back, which was nice for us. Roger has been with WCFC for quite a few years now and we met last year when he spent some time at the OP, so we had some catching up and gossiping to do.

Time to suit up and make the 30 mile trip back home.

We spotted our first hummingbird of the season. I wasted no time in mixing up a batch of sugar water and hung the new feeder that I brought in this year. As far as I can tell there's only 1 but there must be more, right?

Now you see it.....

Now you don't. It's been a week of highs and lows.

Another first....2 eagles.

I'm not the only one never to pass up an opportunity to lay in the sun

A quiet evening at the Outpost.

Till next week,
Heather & Mike

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