Thursday, April 26, 2012

Outpost Week 33 ~ Still Waiting

The weather this week has been anything but “springlike”. Cold mornings, rainy afternoons and windy evenings have been the norm although there was one evening that hinted at the things to come. I know it can be nice, I've seen the evidence in Ken's summertime blog. Guides wearing t-shirts while out on the water tell me it must get warm here ......eventually, and the fishing is not bad either!

The fact that I'm still wearing sweats, socks and several sweaters hasn't stopped me thinking of shorts, skirts and swimsuits which I may have the chance to wear this summer and this leads me to think – DIET. Along with all the millions who make that 'new year' commitment to shed a few pounds Mike and I always join in. The cookies and cakes, fudge and french toast, liqueurs and other liquid libations that were consumed with gusto and nary a thought of the end result or a thought of where the results would end up, were of no consequence.
Several months ago we decided it was time to pay the piper, as they say, so the cookie jar has remained empty, the ice cream maker put back on top of the cooler – way out of reach. Cake pans, tart tins, and muffin trays are starting to collect dust. You can see the trend here of our vices....sweets. Well as I said it was several months ago now that our will power had been put to the test and we are now seeing some results. Can't say......
now it's not that I won't say but we don't have a scale here to determine our starting weight or how much we've lost but we use the next best thing..... a pair of jeans.
Sweat pants (our daily attire) should come with a warning: Continual wearing of this product will result in a false sense of yourself.
Finding that our jeans could be zipped up once again was obviously a milestone to celebrate and what better way than to enjoy something we haven't had in ages!

....but Man cannot live by bread alone.

Since I seem to be talking a lot about the weather (how cold it is) the water is also still on the cooler side which keeps it clear, and that is a good thing especially for taking pictures.

Our one spectacular sunset for the week.

It happened in the blink of an eye and the moment I straightened up I knew what I had done. We've all picked up something the wrong way, leaned over when we should have bent down or turned our entire body instead of twisting around. I seem to do this once a year and pay for it by being hunched over and in pain for 3- 4 days. My last few days have been spent mostly laying on the couch with short periods of sitting up. I've had to be content with reading, surfing the net, looking at magazines – all on my computer- watching movies, napping or listening to the radio. I really can't manage to stand long enough to make meals so I have to sit back and let Mike cater to me. I'm sure I'll be up and around soon but you really don't want to hurry these things.

Till next week,
Heather & Mike

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