Friday, March 11, 2011

Tsunami - Outpost, Haida Gwaii

Mike and I heard of the earthquake in Japan moments after it hit. Between the radio and internet we followed the events till early in the morning.
Estimated times of arrival of a tsunami for the west coast varied from 6 am to 8:35 so the alarm clock was set early. We had discussed all the “what if's” and had a plan should things take a turn for the worse. The 300 ft hill directly behind the lodge would offer protection but between all the snow and rain we've been having, it would certainly be a challenge to climb.
The morning dawned under pale blue skies and the sea dead calm. It was 8:45 when we noticed the first ripple. Just beyond our little bay the water was started to dance.
With just the slightest indication that something was happening, the water level began to rise. There are no waves or rushing of water. As Mike keeps saying, it's just like a bathtub being filled and emptied. For the next 3 hours we've marvelled as the bay, in a matter of minutes would drain, leaving the tinney high and dry than right before our eyes, fill up again. In the time it took to get another coffee there would be 12ft of exposed beach where it had been under water just before I turned away. We will continue to watch throughout the day and should the bay suddenly turn dry, you know where we will be.

Heather & Mike 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Heather, good stuff. The site looks good.

    We had no reaction from the tsunami that I detected here.

    If NZ was any kind of indicator Japan should have a huge aftershock and more tsunami action.

